On the Brink

Cole Bartels


On the Brink features nine works for trombone, all of which were written by composers whom I personally know. Seven of the pieces you will experience on this album were commissioned by myself. In many ways, this album encapsulates much of the work that I’ve been involved in over the last decade as a student in higher education. It is my hope that this album can serve as both a way of preserving this diverse body of compositional work, and as a means to expose this amazing music to a wider audience.

The title, On the Brink, came about when thinking of where my life is at upon the release of this album in April 2022. Having recently completed a terminal degree and earning the title of ‘doctor,’ I have found myself at the crossroads of my time as a student coming to a close, and fully beginning professional life - on the brink of having to figure out how to “make it” in the music industry.

It is with deep gratitude that I thank you for supporting this project. All of the resources and time that went into creating these recordings would mean nothing without you having taken the time to listen.”

–Cole Bartels

track list

  1. La Yapa (Jorge Variego)

  2. Delta Daze (Lawren Brianna Ware)

  3. Circles 6: I. (Steve Makela)

  4. Circles 6: II. (Steve Makela)

  5. The Panoramic (Colin Holter)

  6. Mosaic (Natalie Dietterich)

  7. Dark Meditation (Aaron Hunt)

  8. Canned (Tyler Taylor)

  9. col.ored - sket.ches. (Brianna Drevlow-Jagim)

  10. Sonata for Trombone and Piano (Skye van Duuren)


Cole Bartels


  • Jorge Variego was born in Rosario, Argentina. He is a former Fulbright Scholar and is currently on the Music Theory/Composition faculty at the University of Tennessee – Knoxville and the Sewanee Summer Music Festival. In 2018 his book on algorithmic composition was released by the National University of Quilmes, in Argentina, and his book “Composing with Constraints” was published by Oxford University Press in 2021. Jorge is the founder/director of the Domino Ensemble, a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion, commission, and performance of new music with improvisation. The group released its first album “Purple Ego” in 2019 and the EP “Drunken Raccoon” in 2020. His music can be heard in the Parma, Albany Records, CMMAS, Centaur and Naxos libraries.

  • Lawren Brianna Ware, a Gadsden, Alabama native, is pursuing her Doctor of Musical Arts degree in music composition at UW-Madison where she is currently ABD, and is minoring in historical musicology. Outside of school, she operates her own private Madison-based piano studio, B. Ware Works Piano Studio, and she accompanies and performs as often as she can. Ms. Ware has been awarded the David and Edith Sinaiko Frank Graduate Fellowship for a Woman in the Arts, Mullen Prize for Sacred Music (composition, 2017) and was named the 2017 Overture Center Rising Stars Grand Prize Winner. She holds degrees from Samford University and The University of Wisconsin-Madison. xt goes here

  • A Minnesota native, Steve Makela's compositions are often inspired by the collaborative process and include both acoustic and electroacoustic media. He currently teaches music theory and composition at Concordia College, Moorhead, MN.

  • Colin Holter was born in Frederick, Maryland in 1983. He holds degrees in composition from public research universities in the United States and United Kingdom and now serves as executive director of the Northern Ohio Youth Orchestra.

  • Applauded by Performance Today for her “pulsatingly beautiful and moving” music, Natalie Dietterich is a composer from Harleysville, PA, primarily known for her orchestral and choral works, rhythmic layering, and creative use of unconventional texts. Dietterich holds degrees in music composition from Yale University and West Chester University, and is currently pursuing a PhD in music composition at Princeton University.

  • Based in Boston, Aaron Hunt is an American composer who writes orchestral music, opera, and chamber music. He’s received commissions from the Cumberland Quintet, the United Kingdom’s Arc Project, VolOpera, Appalachia: A Southeastern Wind Symphony, and the Georgian Dolce String Quartet, among others. He holds degrees in composition from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and Tennessee Tech University.

  • Tyler Taylor is a composer-performer from Louisville, KY. His most recent pieces are explorations of the different ways identity can be expressed in musical scenarios. Common among these pieces is a sense of contradiction – sometimes whimsical, sometimes alarming – that comes from the interaction of diverse musical layers. Tyler holds degrees from the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, the Eastman School of Music, and the University of Louisville.

  • Brianna Drevlow-Jagim is a composer, pianist, and teacher from Minnesota. Her works have been performed and/or premiered in several countries including the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Italy, Ukraine, and Thailand through calls for scores, prize selections, and radio performances. She studied at Concordia College (Moorhead, MN) and Bowling Green State University (Bowling Green, OH). In 2018, Brianna pivoted to healthcare and now works at Abbvie Biopharmaceuticals as a National Field Trainer.

  • Skye van Duuren is a versatile performer, award winning composer, educator, and currently Assistant Professor of Music at Black Hills State University. Dr. van Duuren directs the Dakota Chamber Orchestra and Honeycomb Brass ensembles in Spearfish, South Dakota, and has performed with the Lima Symphony, Knoxville Symphony Orchestra, Sonora Philharmonic Orchestra, and others. He enjoys an active commission schedule as a composer and his repertoire includes over one hundred works in diverse genres. Dr. van Duuren earned advanced degrees in trumpet performance and composition from the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music and the University of Tennessee.


On the Brink – Cole Bartels // CD On the Brink – Cole Bartels // CD
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On the Brink – Cole Bartels // CD


Cole Bartels – trombone
Vincent Fuh – piano

Michael Walling – percussion (5 & 9)
Heidi Keener – flute (5)
Luke Leavitt – synthesizer (5)
Rachel Wood – clarinet (5)
Colin Holter – guitar (5)
Jordan DeWester – tuba (5)
Zach Smith – bass (5)

Engineered and Edited by Cole Bartels
Produced by Jordan DeWester and Cole Bartels
Mixed by Mike Zirkel – Madison, WI
Mastered by Justin Perkins at Mystery Room Mastering – Milwaukee, WI

Recorded June 2021 in the Hamel Music Center at the University of Wisconsin – Madison

Cover Artwork – “Circles 6” by Jo Verdis
Photography by Kendra Hill
Design by Alex Ring Gray

Support for this research was provided by the University of Wisconsin – Madison Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education with funding from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.

℗ 2022 Cole Bartels. Under exclusive license to Cmntx Records.


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