cmntx records

We are ecstatic to announce the launch of cmntx records!

The label was launched with a preview concert at Brooklyn venue MISE-EN_PLACE featuring performances by co-founders Alex Ring Gray, Dan Langa, Evan O. Adams, and Michael Denis Ó Callaghan, as well as upcoming roster artists Vicki Leona Nguyen, Nyokabi Kariuki, and Lena Ruth.

Footage of the concert is available on YouTube

Available NOW is a sampler album of our upcoming artist roster – All Semantics (I). Listen HERE


We want to give a huge, huge thank you to those who have supported and guided us in the launch of this new project. A very special thanks to:

Adam Cuthbért, Julia Wolfe, and Michael Gordon at Cantaloupe Music
Philip Glass and Richard Guérin at Dunvagen Music Publishers / Orange Mountain Music
Robert Honstein
Toshi Tsuruoka
New York City Artist Corps


Album Announcement – ‘HUM’